Monday, March 9, 2009

Review of Synechdoche, New York

My review of Charlie Kauffman's excellent film SYNECHDOCHE, NEW YORK is up now at Cinefanastique Online. This is my first review for this long-standing magazine devoted to horror cinema. I pitched the idea of SYNECHDOCHE as a horror film, which it was originally meant to be. I'm happy to be published in this fine mag and am glad to see them going strong on the web.


AR said...

I apologize if I come off as a jerk, but can you please not hotlink images from my site? Since it is a publicity still, you are welcome to download the original image and upload to Blogger, but I would prefer not to have people using up my bandwidth. Thanks.

(I blog at if there's any lack of clarity.)

Peg said...

Sorry about that! I removed the image. I'll be sure to download (publicity still) images in future before posting them. I normally do it that way but was having trouble saving them that day.